(R.I.P Natalia Wallace), 7yr old murdered in Chicago July 4, 2020 and all the other babies that's been murder in these senseless shootings that's been occurring all of the United States of America)!!!
Are you'll serious? There's are our babies man!! I saw Natalia's picture on TV, flashing the peace sign with two fingers and I started thinking about my 9 yr old daughter because she takes pictures in that same pose. What about the man crossing the street with his babygirl, not even knowing that his life was about to end. Do you know how that is going to haunt that baby for the rest of her life and her life; and it’s just starting. But Black Lives Matter, huh?
What if the was your baby? I know if it was mines what I'll do but I'm in prison serving a Life sentence so my views are different then the average persons and I wouldn't want you to end up in my position. Where is the Black Lives Matted movement for our babies that's being killed by their own kind? Why is it only the babies' families that is outraged by this? We all should be up in arms over what's going on, while you'll protesting for statues to be tore down. Those statues did commit crimes in the African American neighborhoods, this is an emergency. This is real shit and we're kill ourselves while thousands are marching and protesting BULLSHIT!!!!
Chatta ZOE Pound,
Vice President of the:
Hip-HopB.L.A.C.K.Republican Party